Sobhasaria library has an area of 1200 Sq ft, thus providing easy access to the students. Library has E-library, reading section / room, Journal section, Separate common room for staff, Accession Counter, Newspaper reading section, Book bank section and dump section. Library can accommodate as many as 100 students at a time thus benefiting a large no. of students at the same time. Working hour extends up to 10 hours daily on working and examination days and 6 hours during holidays. The layout of the library has a very good ambience having individual reading carrels, lounge area for borrowings and relaxed reading corners. There is a special IT zone offered by the institution catering to the needs of the students providing the easy access to e-resources. The institution has a clearly laid out floor plan ensuring easy access to the students and teachers. The text books are arranged in different sections on the ground floor related to different streams. Proper signage system offering prominent display signs are available.